We try to go with the times...

Information on Clan Donald is widely available on the internet. So we have the links to interesting and helpfull pages on the web. You will enjoy the hunt.


If you know of any interesting Clan Donald related information on the web, please send the link to that page to our webmaster.
Also: if a link doesn't work anymore, let us know!
 We will look it over and add the link to our site if it is useful and still valid. You will help us very much keeping our information up to date that way. 
Thank you for your input". mailto:europe.north@clandonaldeurope.org?subject=Link%20for%20the%20Clandonald%20homepage.shapeimage_2_link_0

Clan Donald Europe supports the Virtual Global Taskforce to fight child abuse online. Click logo to go to their webpage.

Thank you.